
2 pork Loins
10 cloves of garlic
100g paprika
2 Bay leaves
5 l of white wine
approximately 1 liter of water
1 hot chillie pepper


Cut the pork in pieces (about 3 inches each). Remove any "white, clear skin " that is on the inside of the Loin. Marinate the meat with chopped garlic, salt, bay leaves, pepper, water and wine. Mix all the ingredients. Let Marinate for 8 days and mix with a wooden spoon daily. Cut the large pork tripe in pieces of about 20 cm each. Tie one of the end sides with cotton string, turn the tripe and fill it with the prepared meat marinate. Make sure that it's well filled and tight.
Tie the other end of the tripe with cotton string , make a loop with the string and put the sausage in the Smoker.


( Recipe from “” by A. P. DeJesus)